ELI-EP Application Profile

Creation date: 2022-11-24
Last updated: 2024-10-28 00:00:00
Copyright date: 2022
Version: 2.4
License: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/legal-notice/
Creator: http://publications.europa.eu/resource/dataset/corporate-body/EP
Publisher: http://publications.europa.eu/resource/dataset/corporate-body/EP
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Table of Contents


ELI-EP diagram


ELI-EP is an application profile based on the ELI / ELI-DL Ontology, specifically designed to describe the documents and the activities of the European Parliament.

Model documentation


  • Nodes: IRI
  • Closed shape
  • URI pattern: ^https://data.europarl.europa.eu/eli/dl/doc/[A-Za-z0-9\-_]+$
  • Example: https://data.europarl.europa.eu/eli/dl/doc/A-9-2019-0001
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
adopts eli-dl:adopts Work
Indicates that the work represents the adopted work of one or several related works
amends eli-dl:foresees_change_of Work
Indicates a LegalResource already published that the future law, if adopted, will change. Readers should refer to the definition of the eli:changes property. Note the legal impacts can change in successive versions of the same document.
answers eli-dl:answers_to Work
Indicates that this work is an answer the other work.
based on eli:based_on Legal Resource
Indicates that this work is empowered by another one, typically rules, constitution, a treaty or an enabling act.
consolidated by eli:consolidated_by Work
Indicates that this legal resource or expression is taken into account in a consolidated text
contributor dcterms:contributor foaf:Agent
An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource.
corrects eli:corrects Work
Indicates that this work / expression corrects the other work / expression. Corrects is used for minor corrections made to a work / expression. The property used to relate works describe the fact that a work expresses some corrections to be made to the an other work. The property used to relate expression indicate that a specific linguistic expression correct a specific expression.
creator dcterms:creator foaf:Agent
An agent responsible for making the resource.
date document eli:date_document xsd:date
Date of adoption or signature (of the form yyyy-mm-dd) of the document
display label rdfs:label xsd:string
Label to by displayed in user interfaces
ep number ept:epvoc#epNumber xsd:string
European Parliament number
ep number version ept:epvoc#epNumberVersion xsd:string
European Parliament number version
expression content ept:epvoc#expressionContent rdf:langString
This property is a shortcut of the more fully developed path from eli:Work to eli:Expression
identifier dcterms:identifier xsd:string
An unambiguous reference to the resource.
identifier year ept:epvoc#identifierYear xsd:string
A year linked to the reference of the resource.
is about eli:is_about Concept
A subject for this legal resource. The use of Eurovoc (http://eurovoc.europa.eu) is encouraged to select values for this property. Member states are encouraged to align local values to Eurovoc.
is about directory code ept:epvoc#isAboutDirectoryCode Concept
This property is a subproperty of eli:is_about and identifies the directory code of a Work. It points to concepts of the dir-eu-legal-act OP vocabulary.
is about subject matter ept:epvoc#isAboutSubjectMatter Concept
This property is a subproperty of eli:is_about and identifies the subject matter of a Work. It points to concepts of the subject-matter OP vocabulary.
is annex of eli:is_annex_of Work
Indicates that the Work is Annex of another Work
is derivative of eli:is_derivative_of Work
This work is derived from the other work. Example: a motion derived from an oral question.
is realized by eli:is_realized_by Expression
Relates a work to an expression that realizes it. Inverse of "realizes".
notation in EP Public Register skos:notation ept:epvoc#publicRegister
A notation is a string of characters such as "T58.5" or "303.4833" used to uniquely identify a concept within the scope of a given concept scheme.
numbering ept:epvoc#numbering xsd:integer
This property refers to a number sequence that indicates order or is used for identification.
numbering range begin ept:epvoc#itemNumberBegin xsd:integer
This property identifies the starting number in a list of items.
numbering range end ept:epvoc#itemNumberEnd xsd:integer
This property identifies the ending number in a list of items.
original language ept:epvoc#originalLanguage Linguistic System
Original language of a work
parliamentary term eli-dl:parliamentary_term Parliamentary term
The parliamentary term in which the activity took place
publisher dcterms:publisher Corporate Body (Organisation)
The property refers to the institution responsible for making the document available. The values are concepts of op-aut:corporate-body.
stakeholder participant ept:epvoc#workHadParticipation Participation
Indicates the participation of a stakeholder to an activity involving the work. The role of the agent in this participation is described in the participation resource.
title dcterms:title rdf:langString
use ISO639-1 of controlled vocabulary
version status ept:epvoc#versiontype Status
Indicates the version type of a Work part of a Complex Work, like Agenda or Minutes.
work type eli:work_type Work type
The type of a work, taken from a controlled vocabulary.

Complex work

  • Nodes: IRI
  • Closed shape
  • URI pattern: ^https://data.europarl.europa.eu/eli/dl/doc/[A-Za-z0-9\-_]+$
  • Example: https://data.europarl.europa.eu/eli/dl/doc/OJ-9-2020-10-21
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
date document eli:date_document xsd:date
Date of adoption or signature (of the form yyyy-mm-dd) of the document
display label rdfs:label xsd:string
Label to by displayed in user interfaces
ep number ept:epvoc#epNumber xsd:string
European Parliament number
has current version dcat:hasCurrentVersion Work
This property is intended for relating a non-versioned or abstract resource to a single snapshot that can be used as a permalink to indicate the current version of the content [PAV].The notion of version used by this property is limited to versions resulting from revisions occurring to a resource as part of its life-cycle.
has member eli:has_member Work
Indicates that a Work is part of a Complex Work.
identifier dcterms:identifier xsd:string
An unambiguous reference to the resource.
identifier year ept:epvoc#identifierYear xsd:string
A year linked to the reference of the resource.
is annex of eli:is_annex_of Work
Indicates that the Work is Annex of another Work
is derivative of eli:is_derivative_of Work
This work is derived from the other work. Example: a motion derived from an oral question.
notation in EP Public Register skos:notation ept:epvoc#publicRegister
A notation is a string of characters such as "T58.5" or "303.4833" used to uniquely identify a concept within the scope of a given concept scheme.
numbering ept:epvoc#numbering xsd:integer
This property refers to a number sequence that indicates order or is used for identification.
numbering range begin ept:epvoc#itemNumberBegin xsd:integer
This property identifies the starting number in a list of items.
numbering range end ept:epvoc#itemNumberEnd xsd:integer
This property identifies the ending number in a list of items.
parliamentary term eli-dl:parliamentary_term Parliamentary term
The parliamentary term in which the activity took place
publisher dcterms:publisher Corporate Body (Organisation)
The property refers to the institution responsible for making the document available. The values are concepts of op-aut:corporate-body.
stakeholder participant ept:epvoc#workHadParticipation Participation
Indicates the participation of a stakeholder to an activity involving the work. The role of the agent in this participation is described in the participation resource.
title dcterms:title rdf:langString
use ISO639-1 of controlled vocabulary
work type eli:work_type Work type
The type of a work, taken from a controlled vocabulary.


  • Nodes: IRI
  • Closed shape
  • URI pattern: ^https://data.europarl.europa.eu/eli/dl/doc/[A-Za-z0-9\-_]+/[a-z]{2,3}$
  • Example: https://data.europarl.europa.eu/eli/dl/doc/A-9-2019-0001/en
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
alternative title eli:title_alternative rdf:langString
An alternative title of the expression (if any).
expression content ept:epvoc#expressionContent rdf:langString
is embodied by eli:is_embodied_by Manifestation
Relates an expression to the manifestation that embodies it. Inverse of "embodies".
language eli:language Linguistic System
A language of an expression.
title eli:title rdf:langString
use ISO639-1 of controlled vocabulary


  • Nodes: IRI
  • Closed shape
  • URI pattern: ^https://data.europarl.europa.eu/eli/dl/doc/[A-Za-z0-9\-_]+/[a-z]{2,3}/.*$
  • Example: https://data.europarl.europa.eu/eli/dl/doc/A-9-2019-0001/en/pdf
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
byte size ept:epvoc#byteSize xsd:long
Indicates the byte size of the file exemplified by the manifestation.
format dcterms:format Media Type or Extent
The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource.
format eli:media_type Media Type
The file format of the manifestation (IANA). This field is intended to capture the technical file format and will serve as a basis for content negotiation for the server to return the appropriate file based on the client preference.
is exemplified by eli:is_exemplified_by rdfs:Resource
Link to a concrete file URL.Relates a manifestation to a single exemplar or instance of that manifestation.
issued dcterms:issued xsd:dateTime
Date of formal issuance of the work.


  • Nodes: IRI
  • Closed shape
  • URI pattern: ^https://data.europarl.europa.eu/eli/dl/event/[A-Za-z0-9\-_]+$
  • Example: https://data.europarl.europa.eu/eli/dl/event/MTG-PL-2020-10-23
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
activity date eli-dl:activity_date xsd:date
The date of an activity, to indicate a single date. Alternatively, if an activity spans a time range, \"activity_start_date\" and \"activity_end_date\" can be used to indicate the beginning and end of the activity.
activity end date eli-dl:activity_end_date xsd:dateTime
The date at which an activity ended.
activity id eli-dl:activity_id xsd:string
An identifier for the process. This is meant to capture how the process is identified by law makers. A process can have multiple identifiers for different institutions, e.g. an identifier for the government, and an identifier for the parliament. Note that a subproperty process_external_id exists to capture the identifier of another institution, depending on the point of view.
activity label eli-dl:activity_label rdf:langString
A label on the activity, describing what is being carried out.
activity start date eli-dl:activity_start_date xsd:dateTime
The date at which an activity started.
activity type eli-dl:had_activity_type Activity Type
The type of a process. The type of a process often determine the workflow being followed to create the law.
based on a realization of eli-dl:based_on_a_realization_of Work
Indicates that an Activity used some Work .The works are seen as the \"input\" of the activity. Example : the work of a commitee \"used\" a specific version of the draft as input to produce an opinion document. Note : the naming \"used a realization of\" is taken from FRBRoo. Since a work is an idea, existing only in people's mind, an activity cannot be simply said to have \"used\" a work, but really \"used an expression of this work\".
comment rdfs:comment rdf:langString
a human-readable description of a resource.
consists of eli-dl:consists_of Activity
Indicates a more fine-grained activity that is taking place within this one. This allows to nest activities inside each other, at an arbitrary level of precision. Example : \"Legislative process number 384\" consists of \"Initiation of the process 384\", \"First lecture in assembl?e nationale of legislative process 384\", \"First lecture in senate of legislative process 384\", \"joint commitee reading of legislative process 384\" and \"enactement of legislative process 384\".
created a realization of eli-dl:created_a_realization_of Work
Indicates that an Activity created some Work . The works are seen as the \"output\" of the activity. This property is meant to point to the text of the bill, the amendments, the opinions, etc. to point to the final LegalResource published as the outcome of a legislative process, use the alternative property \"created_a_realization_of_legal_resource\". For recording of debates, which are not really \"outputs\" of the activity, use the alternative property \"recorded_in_realization_of\". Note : the naming \"created a realization of\" is taken from FRBRoo. Since a work is an idea, existing only in people's mind, an activity cannot be simply said to have \"created\" a work, but really \"created an expression of this work\".
dlv Id skos:notation ept:epvoc#dlvId
Identifier in DLV.
documented by a realization of eli-dl:documented_by_a_realization_of Work
Indicates that the activity was or will be conducted according to the plan described by a Work. Typically these works are agendas that foreseen how future activities will take place.
executed eli-dl:executed eli:ForeseenActivity
The foreseen (planned) activity according to which this activity was executed. For example a meeting was executed according to the foreseen activity from the agenda.
had excused person eli-dl:had_excused_person foaf:Person
Indicates a person that was excuded for an activity
had participant person eli-dl:had_participant_person foaf:Person
Indicates a person that took part in an activity
had responsible organization eli-dl:had_responsible_organization Corporate Body (Organisation)
responsible organization (corporate-body)
had responsible organization ept:epvoc#hadResponsibleOrganization Corporate Body (Organisation)
responsible organization (body)
has room ept:epvoc#hasRoom Room
This property associates a resource with a room (physical or virtual), . E.g., it can be the room where an activity takes place or a person's office.
locality vcard:hasLocality Place
Used to support property parameters for the locality data property
number of attendees eli-dl:number_of_attendees xsd:integer
Number of attendees
occured at stage eli-dl:occured_at_stage Process Stage
The stage at which an activity occured.
order eli-dl:activity_order xsd:integer
Indicates the order of this activity in a sequence of activities. Note that the range of this property is xsd:decimal, so it is always possible to order a new activity in between two subsequent existing activities.
parliamentary term eli-dl:parliamentary_term Parliamentary term
The parliamentary term in which the activity took place
recorded in a realization of eli-dl:recorded_in_a_realization_of Work
Indicates that an activity was recorded in a related work. Note : this property is shortcut for an implicit FRBR \"Recording Event\" that would have created the Recording of the event.
responsible organization label eli-dl:responsible_organization_label rdf:langString
The name of an organization that was responsible for an activity.
structured activity label ept:epvoc#structuredLabel rdf:langString
A structured label on the activity, describing what is being carried out.
was motivated by eli-dl:was_motivated_by Activity
Annother activity that was \"triggered\" or \"logically followed\" this one. Example : the request for an opinion motivated the writing of an opinion.
was scheduled in eli-dl:was_scheduled_in ForeseenActivity
Indicates a more fine-grained foreseen activity that is taking place within this one (ex:time slot).


  • Nodes: IRI
  • Closed shape
  • URI pattern: ^https://data.europarl.europa.eu/eli/dl/event/[A-Za-z0-9\-_]+$
  • Example: https://data.europarl.europa.eu/eli/dl/event/MTG-PL-2020-10-23-TF-9000
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
activity date eli-dl:activity_date xsd:date
The date of an activity, to indicate a single date. Alternatively, if an activity spans a time range, \"activity_start_date\" and \"activity_end_date\" can be used to indicate the beginning and end of the activity.
activity end date eli-dl:activity_end_date xsd:dateTime
The date at which an activity ended.
activity id eli-dl:activity_id xsd:string
An identifier for the process. This is meant to capture how the process is identified by law makers. A process can have multiple identifiers for different institutions, e.g. an identifier for the government, and an identifier for the parliament. Note that a subproperty process_external_id exists to capture the identifier of another institution, depending on the point of view.
activity label eli-dl:activity_label rdf:langString
A label on the activity, describing what is being carried out.
activity start date eli-dl:activity_start_date xsd:dateTime
The date at which an activity started.
activity type eli-dl:had_activity_type Activity Type
The type of a process. The type of a process often determine the workflow being followed to create the law.
agenda plenary dossier identifier skos:notation ept:epvoc#agendaId
An identifier is a string of characters such as "12345-33" used to uniquely identify a concept within the scope of a given concept scheme.
agenda point notation skos:notation ept:epvoc#agendaPoint
An identifier is a string of characters such as "12345-33" used to uniquely identify a concept within the scope of a given concept scheme.
forms part of eli-dl:forms_part_of ForeseenActivity
Indicates another larger activity that encompasses this one.
has room ept:epvoc#hasRoom Room
This property associates a resource with a room (physical or virtual), . E.g., it can be the room where an activity takes place or a person's office.
heading activity label ept:epvoc#headingLabel rdf:langString
A heading label on the activity, describing what is being carried out.
identifier in pericles skos:notation ept:epvoc#periclesId
An identifier is a string of characters such as "12345-33" used to uniquely identify a concept within the scope of a given concept scheme.
locality vcard:hasLocality Place
Used to support property parameters for the locality data property
occured at stage eli-dl:occured_at_stage Process Stage
The stage at which an activity occured.
OJ heading activity label ept:epvoc#agendaLabel rdf:langString
A heading label (from OJ) on the activity, describing what is being carried out.
order eli-dl:activity_order xsd:integer
Indicates the order of this activity in a sequence of activities. Note that the range of this property is xsd:decimal, so it is always possible to order a new activity in between two subsequent existing activities.
parliamentary term eli-dl:parliamentary_term Parliamentary term
The parliamentary term in which the activity took place
reference text ept:epvoc#referenceText rdf:langString
A label on the activity, describing what is being carried out.
structured activity label ept:epvoc#structuredLabel rdf:langString
A structured label on the activity, describing what is being carried out.


  • Nodes: IRI
  • Closed shape
  • URI pattern: ^https://data.europarl.europa.eu/eli/dl/participation/[A-Za-z0-9\-_]+_+[A-Za-z0-9\-_]+$
  • Example: https://data.europarl.europa.eu/eli/dl/participation/A-9-2021-0226_112611
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
participation has Organization eli-dl:had_participant_organization Corporate Body (Organisation)
Describes that the organisation is the actor in a participation description.
participation has Person eli-dl:had_participant_person foaf:Person
Describes that the person is the actor in a participation description.
participation in name of eli-dl:participation_in_name_of Corporate Body (Organisation)
Indicate in the name of which organization an agent was acting has stakeholder.
stakeholder has role eli-dl:participation_role Participation Role
Describes the role of the agent in a stakeholder description.


  • Nodes: IRI
  • Closed shape
  • URI pattern: ^https://data.europarl.europa.eu/room/[A-Za-z0-9\-_]+$
  • Example: https://data.europarl.europa.eu/room/LOWHEM
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
identifier dcterms:identifier xsd:string
An unambiguous reference to the resource.
office address euvoc:officeAddress xsd:string
The office address idendentifier
site ept:epvoc#hasSite Site
This property identifies the site where a resource is located.

Parliamentary term

  • Nodes: IRI
  • Closed shape
  • URI pattern: ^https://data.europarl.europa.eu/org/ep-[0-9].*$
  • Example: https://data.europarl.europa.eu/org/ep-9
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
type rdf:type org:Organization
Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class

Legal Resource

  • Nodes: IRI
  • Closed shape
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
No specific properties



Remark: Process data will not be yet available. For now, this inverse relation will be provided only in adopted-texts dumps and APIs.

  • Nodes: IRI
  • Closed shape
  • URI pattern: ^https://data.europarl.europa.eu/eli/dl/proc/[A-Za-z0-9\-_]+$
  • Example: https://data.europarl.europa.eu/eli/dl/proc/2019-0001
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
based on eli:based_on Work
Inverse of "basis_for". Indicates that this work is empowered by another one, typically a constitution, a treaty or an enabling act.
consists of eli-dl:consists_of eli-dl:Activity, eli-dl:Decision
Indicates a more fine-grained activity that is taking place within this one. This allows to nest activities inside each other, at an arbitrary level of precision.
created a realization of eli-dl:created_a_realization_of Work
Indicates that an Activity created some Work . The works are seen as the \"output\" of the activity. This property is meant to point to the text of the bill, the amendments, the opinions, etc. to point to the final LegalResource published as the outcome of a legislative process, use the alternative property \"created_a_realization_of_legal_resource\". For recording of debates, which are not really \"outputs\" of the activity, use the alternative property \"recorded_in_realization_of\". Note : the naming \"created a realization of\" is taken from FRBRoo. Since a work is an idea, existing only in people's mind, an activity cannot be simply said to have \"created\" a work, but really \"created an expression of this work\".
current stage eli-dl:current_stage Process Stage
The latest stage in which a process is currently in. This is a shortcut for the full path Process latest_activity Activity occured_at_stage ProcessStage.
identifier year ept:epvoc#identifierYear xsd:string
involved work eli-dl:involved_work Work
label rdfs:label xsd:string
process id eli-dl:process_id xsd:string
An identifier for the process. This is meant to capture how the process is identified by law makers.
process title eli-dl:process_title rdf:langString
The name or title of a process.
process type eli-dl:process_type Process Type
The type of a process. The type of a process often determine the workflow being followed to create the law.
scheduled in eli-dl:was_scheduled_in ForeseenActivity

Work Subdivision

  • Nodes: IRI
  • Closed shape
  • URI pattern: ^https://data.europarl.europa.eu/eli/dl/doc/[A-Za-z0-9\-_]+$
  • Example: https://data.europarl.europa.eu/eli/dl/doc/PV-9-2023-07-11-RCV-ITM-90
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
identifier dcterms:identifier xsd:string
An unambiguous reference to the resource.
is part of eli:is_part_of Work
Indicates a work in which this one is physically included. Covers the case of text included in an Official Journal, or an article included in a text. For the notion of conceptual/temporal inclusion, use eli:is_member_of.
is realized by eli:is_realized_by Expression
Relates a work to an expression that realizes it. Inverse of "realizes".
notation (speech id) skos:notation ept:epvoc#speechId
number eli:number xsd:string
An identifier or other disambiguating feature for a legal resource or legal expression. This can be the number of a legislation, the number of an article, or the issue number of an official journal.
numbering ept:epvoc#numbering xsd:integer
This property refers to a number sequence that indicates order or is used for identification.
original language ept:epvoc#originalLanguage Linguistic System
Original language of a work subdivision
refers to eli:refers_to Work
title dcterms:title rdf:langString
use ISO639-1 of controlled vocabulary
type subdivision eli:type_subdivision Subdivision Type
The type of a document subdivision (e.g. "Article", "Paragraph", "Section", etc.). A subdivision can have only one type. ELI does not specify a list of possible values. Member states are encouraged to make their own list of values in the corresponding concept scheme. EU Publication Office provies a list of values for EU resource types at https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/at-dataset/-/resource/dataset/subdivision


  • Nodes: IRI
  • Closed shape
  • URI pattern: ^https://data.europarl.europa.eu/eli/dl/event/[A-Za-z0-9\-_]+$
  • Example: https://data.europarl.europa.eu/eli/dl/event/MTG-PL-2023-07-11-DEC-156726
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
activity date eli-dl:activity_date xsd:date
The date of an activity, to indicate a single date. Alternatively, if an activity spans a time range, \"activity_start_date\" and \"activity_end_date\" can be used to indicate the beginning and end of the activity. Dates can be expressed either at a date precision (yyyy-mm-dd), or with time precision (yyyy-dd-mmYhh:mm:ss)
activity id eli-dl:activity_id xsd:string
An identifier for the process. This is meant to capture how the process is identified by law makers. A process can have multiple identifiers for different institutions, e.g. an identifier for the government, and an identifier for the parliament. Note that a subproperty process_external_id exists to capture the identifier of another institution, depending on the point of view.
activity label eli-dl:activity_label rdf:langString
A label on the activity, describing what is being carried out.
activity type eli-dl:had_activity_type Activity Type
The type of a process. The type of a process often determine the workflow being followed to create the law.
comment rdfs:comment rdf:langString
a human-readable description of a resource.
decided on a part of a realisation of a work eli-dl:decided_on_a_part_of_a_realization_of Work
Decision on a single amendment
decided on a realisation of a work eli-dl:decided_on_a_realization_of Work
Indicates the decision activity decided upon some Work. This is a specific kind of ? input ? of the activity
decision about id ept:epvoc#decisionAboutId xsd:string
This property identifies uniquelely the object of a decision.
decision about id (xml syntax) ept:epvoc#decisionAboutId rdf:XMLLiteral
This property identifies uniquelely the object of a decision.
decision method eli-dl:decision_method Decision Method
The method used to carry out the decision activity (e.g. Roll call vote, etc.)
decision outcome eli-dl:decision_outcome Decision Outcome
Indicates the outcome of the decision, e.g. adopted, rejected, lapsed, etc.
heading lable ept:epvoc#headingLabel rdf:langString
Heading section label.
note skos:note rdf:langString
Notes are used to provide information relating to SKOS concepts.
order eli-dl:activity_order xsd:integer
Indicates the order of this activity in a sequence of activities. Note that the range of this property is xsd:decimal, so it is always possible to order a new activity in between two subsequent existing activities.
reference text ept:epvoc#referenceText rdf:langString
A label on the activity, describing what is being carried out.
responsible organisation label eli-dl:responsible_organization_label rdf:langString
A label on the activity, describing what is being carried out.
voting id skos:notation ept:epvoc#votingId
An identifier for a voting
was motivated by eli-dl:was_motivated_by Activity
Annother activity that was \"triggered\" or \"logically followed\" this one. Example : the request for an opinion motivated the writing of an opinion.


  • Nodes: IRI
  • Closed shape
  • URI pattern: ^https://data.europarl.europa.eu/eli/dl/event/[A-Za-z0-9\-_]+$
  • Example: https://data.europarl.europa.eu/eli/dl/event/MTG-PL-2024-02-27-DEC-164491
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
activity date eli-dl:activity_date xsd:date
The date of an activity, to indicate a single date. Alternatively, if an activity spans a time range, \"activity_start_date\" and \"activity_end_date\" can be used to indicate the beginning and end of the activity. Dates can be expressed either at a date precision (yyyy-mm-dd), or with time precision (yyyy-dd-mmYhh:mm:ss)
activity id eli-dl:activity_id xsd:string
An identifier for the process. This is meant to capture how the process is identified by law makers. A process can have multiple identifiers for different institutions, e.g. an identifier for the government, and an identifier for the parliament. Note that a subproperty process_external_id exists to capture the identifier of another institution, depending on the point of view.
activity label eli-dl:activity_label rdf:langString
A label on the activity, describing what is being carried out.
activity start date eli-dl:activity_start_date xsd:dateTime
The date at which an activity started. Dates can be expressed either at a date precision (yyyy-mm-dd), or with time precision (yyyy-dd-mmYhh:mm:ss)
activity type eli-dl:had_activity_type Activity Type
The type of a process. The type of a process often determine the workflow being followed to create the law.
comment rdfs:comment rdf:langString
a human-readable description of a resource.
decided on a part of a realisation of a work eli-dl:decided_on_a_part_of_a_realization_of Work
Decision on a single amendment
decided on a realisation of a work eli-dl:decided_on_a_realization_of Work
Indicates the decision activity decided upon some Work. This is a specific kind of ? input ? of the activity
decision about id ept:epvoc#decisionAboutId xsd:string
This property identifies uniquelely the object of a decision.
decision about id (xml syntax) ept:epvoc#decisionAboutId rdf:XMLLiteral
This property identifies uniquelely the object of a decision.
decision method eli-dl:decision_method Decision Method
The method used to carry out the decision activity (e.g. Roll call vote, etc.)
decision outcome eli-dl:decision_outcome Decision Outcome
Indicates the outcome of the decision, e.g. adopted, rejected, lapsed, etc.
had voter abstention eli-dl:had_voter_abstention foaf:Person
Indicates a person that took part in a vote with an abstention vote
had voter against eli-dl:had_voter_against foaf:Person
Indicates a person that took part in a vote with a vote against
had voter favor eli-dl:had_voter_favor foaf:Person
Indicates a person that took part in a vote with a vote in favor
had voter intended abstention eli-dl:had_voter_intended_abstention foaf:Person
Indicates a person that took part in a vote and expressed that he/she intended to vote abstention while he/she voted otherwise
had voter intended against eli-dl:had_voter_intended_against foaf:Person
Indicates a person that took part in a vote and expressed that he/she intended to vote against while he/she voted otherwise
had voter intended favor eli-dl:had_voter_intended_favor foaf:Person
Indicates a person that took part in a vote and expressed that he/she intended to vote in favor while he/she voted otherwise
heading lable ept:epvoc#headingLabel rdf:langString
Heading section label.
note skos:note rdf:langString
Notes are used to provide information relating to SKOS concepts.
number of attendees eli-dl:number_of_attendees xsd:integer
The total number of attendees to the Vote.
number of votes abstention eli-dl:number_of_votes_abstention xsd:integer
The total number of votes abstention
number of votes against eli-dl:number_of_votes_against xsd:integer
The total number of votes against
number of votes in favor eli-dl:number_of_votes_favor xsd:integer
The total number of votes in favor
order eli-dl:activity_order xsd:integer
Indicates the order of this activity in a sequence of activities. Note that the range of this property is xsd:decimal, so it is always possible to order a new activity in between two subsequent existing activities.
recorded in a realization of eli-dl:recorded_in_a_realization_of Work Subdivision
Indicates that an activity was recorded in a related work. Note : this property is shortcut for an implicit FRBR \"Recording Event\" that would have created the Recording of the event.
reference text ept:epvoc#referenceText rdf:langString
A label on the activity, describing what is being carried out.
responsible organisation label eli-dl:responsible_organization_label rdf:langString
A label on the activity, describing what is being carried out.
voting id skos:notation ept:epvoc#votingId
An identifier for a voting
was motivated by eli-dl:was_motivated_by Activity
Annother activity that was \"triggered\" or \"logically followed\" this one. Example : the request for an opinion motivated the writing of an opinion.

Work type

  • Nodes: IRI
  • URI pattern: https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-document-types/.*$
  • Example: https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-document-types/TEXT_ADOPTED
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
Is in scheme skos:inScheme ept:ep-document-types
Property stating the concept scheme that a given resource is part of
type rdf:type skos:Concept
Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class

Participation Role

  • Nodes: IRI
  • URI pattern: https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-roles/.*$
  • Example: https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-roles/RAPPORTEUR
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
Is in scheme skos:inScheme ept:ep-roles
Property stating the concept scheme that a given resource is part of
type rdf:type skos:Concept
Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class

Linguistic System

  • Nodes: IRI
  • URI pattern: http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/langauge/.*$
  • Example: http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/language/LIT
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
Is in scheme skos:inScheme op-aut:language
Property stating the concept scheme that a given resource is part of
type rdf:type skos:Concept
Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class

Media Type or Extent

  • Nodes: IRI
  • URI pattern: http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/.*$
  • Example: http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/PDF
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
Is in scheme skos:inScheme op-aut:file-type
Property stating the concept scheme that a given resource is part of
type rdf:type skos:Concept
Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class

Media Type

  • Nodes: IRI
  • URI pattern: https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/application/.*$
  • Example: https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/application/pdf
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
Is in scheme skos:inScheme op-aut:file-type
Property stating the concept scheme that a given resource is part of
type rdf:type skos:Concept
Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class


  • Nodes: IRI
  • URI pattern: http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/country/.*$
  • Example: http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/country/FRA
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
Is in scheme skos:inScheme op-aut:country
Property stating the concept scheme that a given resource is part of
type rdf:type skos:Concept
Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class


  • Nodes: IRI
  • URI pattern: http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/place/.*$
  • Example: http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/place/FRA_SXB
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
Is in scheme skos:inScheme op-aut:place
Property stating the concept scheme that a given resource is part of
type rdf:type skos:Concept
Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class
Within country geosparql:sfWithin skos:Concept
States that the subject is spatially within the object


  • Nodes: IRI
  • URI pattern: http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-status/.*$
  • Example: http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-status/ADOPTED
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
Is in scheme skos:inScheme op-aut:status
Property stating the concept scheme that a given resource is part of
type rdf:type skos:Concept
Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class

Corporate Body (Organisation)

  • Nodes: IRI
  • URI pattern: https://data.europarl.europa.eu/org/.*$
  • Example: https://data.europarl.europa.eu/org/EU_PARLIAMENT
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
type rdf:type org:Organization
Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class


  • Nodes: IRI
  • URI pattern: http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/site/.*$
  • Example: http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/site/ASP
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
Is in scheme skos:inScheme op-aut:site
Property stating the concept scheme that a given resource is part of
type rdf:type skos:Concept
Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class


  • Nodes: IRI
  • Example: http://eurovoc.europa.eu/434743
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
Is in scheme skos:inScheme IRI

op-aut:subject-matter, op-aut:dir-eu-legal-act, http://eurovoc.europa.eu

Property stating the concept scheme that a given resource is part of
type rdf:type skos:Concept
Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class

Activity Type

  • Nodes: IRI
  • URI pattern: https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-activities/.*$
  • Example: https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-activities/TABLING_PLENARY
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
Is in scheme skos:inScheme ept:ep-activities
Property stating the concept scheme that a given resource is part of
type rdf:type skos:Concept
Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class

Subdivision Type

  • Nodes: IRI
  • URI pattern: http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/subdivision/.*$
  • Example: http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/subdivision/ITM
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
Is in scheme skos:inScheme op-aut:subdivision
Property stating the concept scheme that a given resource is part of
type rdf:type skos:Concept
Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class

Process Type

  • Nodes: IRI
  • URI pattern: https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-procedure-types/.*$
  • Example: https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-procedure-types/COD
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
Is in scheme skos:inScheme ept:ep-procedure-types
Property stating the concept scheme that a given resource is part of
type rdf:type skos:Concept
Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class

Decision Method

  • Nodes: IRI
  • URI pattern: https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-decision-methods/.*$
  • Example: https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-decision-methods/VOTE_ELECTRONIC_ROLLCALL
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
Is in scheme skos:inScheme ept:ep-decision-methods
Property stating the concept scheme that a given resource is part of
type rdf:type skos:Concept
Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class

Decision Outcome

  • Nodes: IRI
  • URI pattern: https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-statuses/.*$
  • Example: https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-statuses/ADOPTED
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
Is in scheme skos:inScheme ept:ep-statuses
Property stating the concept scheme that a given resource is part of
type rdf:type skos:Concept
Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class

Process Stage

  • Nodes: IRI
  • URI pattern: http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/procedure-phase/.*$
  • Example: http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/procedure-phase/RDG1
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
Is in scheme skos:inScheme op-aut:procedure-phase
Property stating the concept scheme that a given resource is part of
type rdf:type skos:Concept
Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class

Release notes

'2.4.0 - 2024-11-12

2.1.0 - 2024-10-11

2.1.0 - 2024-03-20

2.0 - 2024-01-12

1.5 - 2023-12-05

1.3 - 2023-09-26

1.2 - 2023-06-10

1.1 - 2023-04-14